New Towns conjurer up a vision of a modern town built on a greenfield site, but in the case of Redditch that’s not true.  When Redditch was designated a new town in 1964 it already had a population of 24,000 with a history stretching back 800 years. So the developers of “Redditch New Town” faced some unique challenges, not the least was how to integrated the old with the new. Although today Redditch is recognised as one of the successful new towns a conversation with a resident of old Redditch will often include words like “ruined” and “spoiled”!

So what is the true story?  In 2014, the 50 anniversary of the designation of Redditch as a New Town, the RLHS undertook to review the planners visions for the future, the events that top place to build the new town and assess the legacy created.  In this section we publish the results of that review. You can therefore make up your own mind as to whether is was “Success or Failure”

Redditch New Town

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Redditch New Town - 2014 RLHS New Town Exhibition Summary

Derek Coombes

Material from original Redditch Development Corporation publications & records


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Redditch New Town - Scrap Book - RDC Post Development Scrap Book

Derek Coombes

Material from original Redditch Development Corporation publications & records


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